January 09, 2020

Guria Beachwear was born in 2007 in Porto Alegre in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of the country of Brazil. As you can imagine, thirteen years ago in 2007, people were not paying much attention to sustainability or ethical manufacturing. Camila Ckless, the founder and designer of Guria Beachwear authentic Brazilian Swimwear was in her 20’s when she started the line… and back then, the most ecofriendly talk there was about recycling your trash. One would have no way of imagining how much of a difference companies could make by sourcing and manufacturing ethically and locally. And little did we know that the plastics we were using in our everyday lives would one day be recycled into the very fibers that we use to make bikinis. Camila decided to start the company for two reasons. As a young Brazilian woman living in the US, it was difficult for her to find the variety of bikinis that she was used to seeing back home, an, also because she wanted to create Brazilian Bikinis for women with real bodies, especially tops that would fit larger cup sizes.
As you can see, this brand was born out of a strong desire to fill a void that existed in the Brazilian bikini market. And Camila’s dream for her company, like all dreams, continues to grow. Over the past few years, ethical sourcing in manufacturing has become more prevalent because many see the urgency of creating change of keeping up with the times. We are excited to share with you some of the ways that Guria Beachwear is shifting toward ethical manufacturing in a step by step process.
Using Fabrics that are Recycled, Biodegradable, Use Less Water and Emit Less CO2 in the Production Process
Step by step, Guria is committed to choosing more eco-friendly fabrics wherever possible. About one-third of the 2020 collection is made with eco-friendly fabrics. The 2021 collection is in planning, with over 50% eco-friendly fabrics. Guria is implementing a 5 year plan to phase out use of fabrics that are not manufactured sustainably and exclusively use fabrics that are 100% eco-friendly. The eco-friendly fabrics in this collection include Fluity CO2*, an innovative fabric produced with elastane and biodegradable nylon microfiber. Polymers in this special nylon have been enhanced to activate more rapid decomposition once it hits the landfill. In the past, it would take ten years for nylon to decompose in landfills. With these special processes, 50% is decomposed within the first year, and remaining fabrics take less than three years to fully decompose. Fluity CO2 Control* is made from recycled nylon fibers using a special production process that emits fewer greenhouse gasses and conserves water and energy.
Cutting To Order is Guria’s Commitment
As a small operation, Camila finds that what works best for her company is cutting small amounts of inventory. Putting energy into manufacturing large quantities so they can sit in a warehouse until someone buys them is strictly against Camila’s policy. And her wholesale clients support her in this decision. They are ok with waiting a few days to receive their reorder, because they understand that it was made with care just for them. When doing the cuttings, patterns are arranged for minimum waste and maximum use of fabrics.
Helping the Local Community Thrive
As a small manufacturer, Guria beachwear works closely with a small factory in the neighboring state of Santa Catarina to employ 14 seamstresses and one seamster full time to hand make each Brazilian Bikini. Most of the employees are women that have been working for the brand for years and sewing all of their lives. By employing local women, Guria is supporting the local economy and giving these women the opportunity to contribute to their family’s needs in a way that may not be possible otherwise. Camila also believes in paying fair wages to the people who sew her Brazilian bikinis and one pieces.
Sourcing Locally
All Trims and Fabrics are Sourced Locally which means that there is no need to import from overseas. This decreases emissions that are involved in transporting unfinished goods over long distances for the manufacturing process. Additionally, Guria only exports goods that are already sold. If you are in the south of Brazil, you can visit our favorite Brazilian bikini shop, Guria Beachwear POA, where everything that is not exported is sold.
Change is Inevitable
Here we have highlighted some of the efforts that Guria is making to make the world a better place. From improving the lives of local seamstresses by paying them fair wages to making manufacturing choices that may cost us a bit more, but in the end, are worth it because we want to leave the world a better place for our children and their children after them. Moving in this direction is inevitable because we essentially have no choice. We hope to inspire other companies to do the same, but as a consumer, you are the ones whose voice is heard the loudest by manufacturers. You cast your vote for or against a better future with a healthy earth for generations to come with every dollar you spend. It’s important to consider that when buying your clothes, your cosmetics and all consumer goods. You can be confident when you buy Guria because we are committed to this initiative. We ask you to be committed as well. Reduce – reuse – recycle – upcycle – whenever you can. Thank you in advance <3
Writen by JS
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